Be your true self.
Feel alive and happy

Transform from being unfulfilled and unhappy to feeling alive and in love with life.

Hi, I’m Annette.

Are you happy and fulfilled?

No……………..then book a chat with me and ask how I can help. 

Do you love yourself?

No…………………this be changed.

Do you want more from life?

Yes………………discover how to feel fulfilled.

Are you stressed, anxious, scared, alone, worried?

Yes………………lets get to the root of this and let it go.

I will deeply listen. I will not judge nor have a personal agenda.

I use a combination of deep listening, inquiry, CBT, NLP and compassionate Hypnotherapy.

Scroll down for a free e-book.


What would it feel like to wake up in the morning and feel happy or even excited about the day?

Individual Therapy

You will leave feeling relaxed and peaceful in a way that you haven’t before.

Supervision sessions

Be free of limiting old patterns, step out into the workplace confident as yourself.


Rest your mind and come to a retreat.
One day or one hour.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel happy and sure of yourself?

I will respect whatever is showing up in you.

No judgment. Confidential.

Be as you are.

Lets clarify what is going on for you and what your body is telling you.

Discover what you really want in life.

Discover your own inner guidance that is deep inside. I will help you connect to yourself.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel happy and sure of yourself?

Free eBook

Join my mailing list and download here

We all know that big trauma can affect people badly, be hard to let go of and have an ongoing effect on relationships.
But what of the stuff that happens before you can talk and before you can remember – when you were a baby?

“Annette is the calmest and most gentle soul I have ever had the privilege to meet.”

“Annette is the calmest and most gentle soul I have ever had the privilege to meet. She is helping me find out who I am and also to help me conquer my long held fears and anxieties. She is amazing”

– Liz Sharp.